Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Year Older and Wiser

My birthday is rapidly approaching. Sunday is the day of doom. lol Getting older hasn't really been much of a problem for me. Most people think that I'm younger than I actually am so, I always take that as a compliment and I pretty much act like a child any way so it all kinda works for me.
I have no clue as to what I will be getting from anyone for my birthday but Andy is letting me plan the weekend so, it should be fun. I probably going to stop by and have a birthday breakfast with my family, which includes my mommy and daddy, Victoria, my oldest daughter who will be 18 in December, my big brother who I've always called "bub" but his name is Aaron(38) and his wifey Janie and their 2 girls Sophia and Madison (I feel bad, I can't remember their ages because I haven't seen them in soooooo long, and my baby sister Beth who is 28 with 2 kiddos of her own Kinshin (5) and Zoe (3). After breakfast I plan on dragging him to Houston to all of my favorite comic shops, starting with Third Planet, then Nan's and finishing up at Bedrock City. I will of course have him take me somewhere nice for dinner and then on the way back, stop at Heroes in Sugarland and possibly go to Hot Topic in the mall. They used to have this awesome Anime store at the mall but I haven't been in so long, I'm not sure if it's still there. Might get a hotel room and head up Friday so we don't have to wake up so early Saturday. lol Man we are lazy....
And Sunday we will do something with Andy's family.
Got a lot of studying to do this week too. I have my first A&P exam Monday and I think my lab exam is this week. Just not sure about the date.

Image of the Day: Skelecat

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys make such an event out of birthdays...I'm always ready to hide from mine. We need to get you guys down here since we still haven't celebrated Eve's 13th yet!!! I wish I didn't have to work all of the time or I would come down and throw you a party!!! I miss you guys a lot and can't wait to see you. Good luck making diapers...I want you to know I really appreciate your excitement. So many people are not cheering for my decision to do this whole cloth diaper things,so it means that much more to me that you are on board with me. Anyways, stay on top of school, but want some Labia time when you have a break. Tell Andrew how much we love that he is an enabler to your mad crafting genius and we know that means he's just as excited to have another neice, lol. Gotta sleep...night cute girl!!!
