Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Diapers, Diapers Everywhere!!!

Since I am so excited about the new baby Kels and Josh are going to have, I decided to help out with the diaper making. I just finished up my prototype and will be improving on it. I decided to try my hand at the pocket diapers, simply because I thought it was a neat idea. I used print material for the outer layer, an inner layer of water proof PUL and micro fleece for the inner lining. I have not done the inner soak pad yet but will get that done tomorrow when I go in for my second try of a homeade diaper.

*I used blue thread on this one so I would be able to see the mistakes I made (believe me, there were lots of them, *forgot the velcro tabs) to correct them in the future.

Here are some pics with Billy Boy as my model. ;)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Year Older and Wiser

My birthday is rapidly approaching. Sunday is the day of doom. lol Getting older hasn't really been much of a problem for me. Most people think that I'm younger than I actually am so, I always take that as a compliment and I pretty much act like a child any way so it all kinda works for me.
I have no clue as to what I will be getting from anyone for my birthday but Andy is letting me plan the weekend so, it should be fun. I probably going to stop by and have a birthday breakfast with my family, which includes my mommy and daddy, Victoria, my oldest daughter who will be 18 in December, my big brother who I've always called "bub" but his name is Aaron(38) and his wifey Janie and their 2 girls Sophia and Madison (I feel bad, I can't remember their ages because I haven't seen them in soooooo long, and my baby sister Beth who is 28 with 2 kiddos of her own Kinshin (5) and Zoe (3). After breakfast I plan on dragging him to Houston to all of my favorite comic shops, starting with Third Planet, then Nan's and finishing up at Bedrock City. I will of course have him take me somewhere nice for dinner and then on the way back, stop at Heroes in Sugarland and possibly go to Hot Topic in the mall. They used to have this awesome Anime store at the mall but I haven't been in so long, I'm not sure if it's still there. Might get a hotel room and head up Friday so we don't have to wake up so early Saturday. lol Man we are lazy....
And Sunday we will do something with Andy's family.
Got a lot of studying to do this week too. I have my first A&P exam Monday and I think my lab exam is this week. Just not sure about the date.

Image of the Day: Skelecat

Friday, September 18, 2009

Is it still camping if I'm lying under CGI stars?

Didn't proof this so if something doesn't make sense, I apologize in advance.

Going pseudo-camping this weekend with momz and pops. I say pseudo because the camping involves a huge camper with beds, a tele and all the luxuries of home. It's my kinda camping. Momz is all excited because pop got her a fishing license, shiny new pole, and an over the shoulder tackle box. Tide is supposed to be high tonight and it's supposed to get a cool in the evening. Like 60 degrees cool! For some reason we have really gotten in to the whole fishing thing. The first time we went out over the summer I managed to catch a redfish. It was 2" shy of keeping but the thrill of catching it was amazing. That was the moment I became hooked on fishing, no pun intended. lol

Okay, I have noticed, my blog isn't really a tangled mess as the title leads you to believe. The title sounds like this blog would be all emo and shit but it won't be. I have my moments, but none of that will be broadcast on here. Gotta keep the crazies inside. lol I plan to just post random thoughts on stuff I encounter, at work, at school, on the tele, and on the internet.


Watched the opener for The Office last night. The opening scene was hilarious. Michael, Dwight and Andy jumping around like idiots but the last bit when Andy was going to jump onto the refrigerator boxes, onto the cars and flip and land in the trash can. I lol'd and watched it multiple times.

I hated this Office when it first came out. I was loyal to the original BBC series. Then I forced myself to watch it and Dwight, Toby and Jim just grew on me. And while I will always choose the original UK version, the US version does bring the funny to the table. It's just a different type of funny.
Gareth vs. Dwight

They are both freaky looking guys and both hilarious in their own ways but Gareth is much more pervy than Dwight so the win goes to Gareth.

Tim vs. Jim

I like both of these guys. They are both witty and charming. Jim wins in the cute department but Tim's personality and constant ribbing on Gareth make him the winner in my books.

David vs. Michael

They are both douchebags and laughing at they stupidity and douchebaggery is fun. They both annoy me equally.
And the winner is......


Thursday, September 17, 2009

She lifted up her wings, I guess that this must be the place...

So, I pretty much live on the internet I use it for work, I use it for school and last but not least, I use it for entertainment. Well, I listen to lots of music and a few months ago I happened upon a 4 song EP by this cool looking chap named Miles Fisher. All of the songs are great but there is one song in particular, a cover of the Talking Heads "This Must Be the Place" which is so rad I can't even describe how much I love it. I loved the Talking Heads when I was a teenager and I immediately fell in love with this EP and can't wait for more. But the most amazing thing is the video for this song. It is a homage to the cult movie classic American Psycho staring Mr. Fisher himself as the Christian Bale charachter. It's funny and well directed. Kudos to David Green. I love it. I am spreading the word about Miles Fisher and I would like you all to check out his website, which is linked in my sidebar, and for fuck's sake, watch the damn video!!!

Oh almost forgot, you can download the EP for free and watch the video too.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Took momz out for dinner at Ventura's. It was awesome! There is a small sweets shop right next to it. Went in got some ranger cookies and Andy bought a cheese roll. Which, if you don't know is a huge baked sweet with sweetened cream cheese inside of it. When putting it in the car, I looked at it and took a picture of what I saw. I will not say what it looks like to me because you will probably call me a perv so you can decide for yourself.

Here it is...

So...I started this blog so I can follow my "future"(don't laugh, it could happen!) sister and brother-in-laws pregnancy. They live 3 hours away, I gotta get my baby fix somehow! I love babies and kids. But I gots my tubes tied because if I had left them open for business, my fertile latina womb would have a baby every year and lord knows I would never abuse my uterus like that crazy Dugar lady!!

Probably won't update often because I lead a school and work filled life. No time for a lot of fun stuff.

But Congrats to Josh and Kelsey one the new babyfriend that is growing inside of mommy's tummy!