Saturday, October 31, 2009

Egads Man!

I forgot all about this place 'til I got an e-mail saying one of the blogs I follow had an update. lol

I have been spending the extra time when not studying to watch movies. Some are old and some are new. Good or bad, I watch it all. And let me tell you, I have encoutered some really, REALLY bad ones. But the great ones make it worth it. :P

My latest bad movie is Black Devil Doll. Although I'm sure it was intentionally bad, because rape is never funny.... not even when it's a whitey hatin' ,black ventriloquist dummy doing the raping. That's a lie. It was damn funny. The acting was terrible and the chicks had butterfaces but still funny none the less. Sometimes you just gotta let loose and laugh at a terrible movie.

Well, it's time to get back to studying.

Happy Halloweenie!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oh yeah....I'm just that boring....

Well, haven't been on the blog in a while. Now I realised why all my journals, blogs, diaries...etc. fall by the wayside. They are just to much damn trouble to keep up with. I mean who really cares if I even woke up this morning and had a spot of tea? Really?

Ok, so I feel I should do a small update about my birthday.


All I have to say is Houston, comic shops, Stormtrooper crotches, death star gunners, Mexican food, cake, and presents.

Best birthday EVAR!